Meditate at home easily with these deep and instant concentrating tips on meditation suggested by advanced yogis.
There are many benefits of meditation. One of the comforts that meditation gives is that it can be done at home with zero cost involved.
To meditate at home is to use energy and time effectively.
Meditation is something that can be learned and practiced on its own. However, before we start anything there emerge a lot more questions in mind. There needs to be clarity on why we are learning and how we start to meditate.
This article is about to tell you how to meditate at home for beginners.
Why To Learn Meditation?
We start learning anything in life willingly after understanding its benefits in our life. Meditation has numerous benefits which are magnificent.
Reduces Stress:
The mental and physical stress we go under normally releases stress hormones called cortisol. Usually, people try meditation to reduce stress.
Meditation reduces stress hormone and in exchange gives a better living. Prolonged stress causes many other stress-related disorders like depression, anxiety, IBS, etc. Meditation has shown tremendous changes in stress levels and overall health issues.
Emotional Well-being:
Meditation brings awareness to self and the thoughts we have. Meditation increases the positive outlook towards life.
Study shows that meditating for 8 weeks increases the volume of gray matter in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is comparatively smaller in people who are depressed.1 People who meditate show fewer negative thoughts.
Promotes Self-Awareness:
Most of the time we do not understand what is wrong with us. This is because there is no self-awareness. Meditating increases awareness and decreases the mind cluttering which results in clarity.
When something passes the mind we are more aware and even how we react to it is clear and not merely an impulse.
Improves Attention Span:
There are continuous and multiple studies on meditation and its effects on attention. A study shows that a week-long meditation retreat can improve alerting and executive attention.2
Meditation is like an exercise to increase the endurance of the attention. Consistent meditation increases the span of attention improving efficiency at work.
Helps Fight Addictions:
Being addicted to something means the emotions are triggering it.
Meditating daily helps to increase the awareness towards self. It leads us towards understanding our emotions well. This tap on exactly what is triggering the addiction and also helps us fight the addiction. Meditation even increases self-control.
Helps In Chronic Pain:
Pain that lasts longer than 3 months is tagged under chronic pain. Suffering through chronic pain can affect one socially, medically, and economically.
Mindfulness meditation is known to help chronic pain patients by reducing depression, increasing quality of life, and reducing pain.3
Improves Sleep:
Around 50% of adults are suffering from insomnia. From the year 1993 to 2007 the rate of insomnia patients increased.4
Meditation increases the quality of sleep. Thus reducing the chances of falling asleep in the daytime randomly, increases memory and work efficiency. It reduces the thoughts which disturb sleep or do not allow sleep.
Are you feeling restless at night and because of that couldn’t wake up on time in the morning? Then you need to adopt these relaxing sleep yoga for a quick and deep sleep.
How To Start Meditation?

Have A Fixed Time:
Meditation for beginners looks simple but requires a lot of patience. It is not something that releases adrenaline. It requires lots of self-discipline and consistency is something that is needed to get benefits out of it.
Having a fixed time to practice meditation helps in regulating the entire process. When you have a fixed time it becomes easier to dwell on a habit and you will be more anticipated to practice meditation at home everyday.
A Dedicated Space To Meditate:
A dedicated space is required to meditate, says everyone. It is because a space dedicated to meditation will let you be in that mood to do so. For example, a study table is the dedicated space to study or your workspace gets you going to work efficiently.
Put some fragrant candles or something like an indoor plant to get yourself into that vibes of meditating. This will help you be in that space for a longer time and also calm your mind sooner.
Start With Calming Yourself:
Take a few deep breaths initially to get your awareness in the present.
Suppose you just had an assignment right before the session with lots of stress. Now, the body and mind are in a state of stress and stressful thoughts.
Before we start mediation we must condition our mind and body by taking a few deep breaths and coming into the present.
Practice these breathing exercise to get into meditative state easily.
Be Patient:
Not all days are the same. Some days are difficult and concentrating become even more difficult. Being patient on such days is important.
Appreciate Your Emotions:
Yes, meditation will get you more optimism in life but, one even comes to know about the negative thoughts.
We are humans and bound to have some negative emotions as well. Usually, we suppress these emotions with the newer ones. As we proceed with meditation practice, we uncover all the underlying emotions. Being kind to oneself is important as we unveil the emotions we have with us.
Find A Comfortable Posture:
There are multiple meditative postures. One can do meditation while sitting (most commonly done), standing, walking, or even in the supine position.
Knowing oneself and understanding which one suits the best for meditation for beginners is the most important to start with. Once you are comfortable to meditate at home at a particular position then you can experiment with new ones too.
Understand Your Limitations & Be Kind:
Many times teachers will tell you to sit straight. Maybe you cannot sit straight for a longer time. Trying hard is important but listening to one’s body and understanding its limitations is equally important.
If you become judgemental of your limitation during meditation you might get into a negative loop of thoughts. In this situation, acceptance is what we have to teach ourselves.
Keep Yourself Erect:
When it comes to meditation for beginners there is often a lack of awareness of posture. Having an erect spine is a necessity in meditation especially if done in kundalini meditation. The spine needs to be straight so that the energy travels upwards without any interruption.
Also, there is more mindfulness if the back is straight as the drooping back is relatable to laziness and a dreamy mind.
Some Basic Meditation Techniques:
These powerful meditation techniques will help you to get into deep relaxing state easily. Try the one that is perfectly fit for you.
Movement Meditation:
While meditation for beginners in sitting still position can be difficult. Movement meditation can be used. It anchors on the movement of the body instead of the why the movement is happening. Walking on wet grass slowly in the morning can be started with.
Mantra Meditation:
Mantra meditation is like focused attention meditation. We here focus on a mantra in the form of a syllable or phrase. We keep chanting the same mantra which you can select while understanding its meaning. It reduces unnecessary thoughts while chanting and brings awareness.
Body-Scan Meditation:
This form of meditation can also be done in a supine position. Here, one has to scan each and every body part by bringing attention to it. It brings complete relaxation to the body as well.
Yoga Meditation:
Yoga is more than asanas. It is a science to know oneself better. There are many ways one can meditate, says Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali. Consistency and practice is the important key to reach the goal.
How to meditate at home for beginners can be answered by starting Dharana practices like trataka (candle gazing) or Pranava Japa (AUM chanting).
It is always challenging to learn something on its own but also a beautiful experience. To start meditating is simple but getting consistent is difficult. There are few hurdles that everyone faces who start to meditate at home. But once you start practicing daily you’ll start getting better results.
Meditation is a wonderful experience and no words can describe the feelings. For that, you must start meditating and experience the beauty on your own.
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