Getting ready for your first yoga class? Make sure you know these tips before teaching yourself yoga.
There might be the number of questions roaming in your mind from what to wear to how to prepare for first yoga class?
Yoga is a beautiful journey to discover the new potential and unique rhythm of life. Being a beginner, you must prepare yourself to explore this new dimension.
But wait!! You need to be patient as wonderful things always takes time.
Normally, we see beginners yogis practicing pose as reps they do in the gym or running or jogging. That shouldn’t be your style in yoga.
Slow and steady is the key!!!
Yoga has power only if your consciousness is present during practice. This helps you to develop a new habit of awareness to experience NOW moment. This is what we listen from yogis – Be Mindful! Be Aware! Be Conscious or Be in the present moment.
This is one of the most important things you should know before going to your first yoga class.
Luckily, breath is the only way to union your mind, body, and soul. So, keep focusing on your breath and explore more ideas that will help you grow as a new yogi.
These amazing tips will make you feel more confident, and comfortable in yoga in very little time.
What Is Yoga?
Yoga is much more than a fitness routine. It is an art and a science. The science of practical methods for controlling your body and mind that yields the art of healthy and happy living.
Yes, yoga is about certain body postures called Aasanas but what beginners often don’t know is that along with physical exercise, breathing (Pranayama), relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation are also very important aspects of practicing yoga.
The eight steps of yoga guidelines which is called as Ashtanaga or eight limbs are –
- Yama – One’s ethical standards and sense of integrity through Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-Stealing), Ahimsa (Nonviolence), Brahmacharya (Continence) and Aparigraha (Noncovetousness)
- Niyama – One’s spiritual observances and self-discipline through Svadhyaya (Study of the sacred scriptures and of one’s self), Saucha (cleanliness), Tapas (heat, spiritual austerities), Samtosa (contentment) Isvara pranidhana (surrendering to God)
- Asana – The body is considered as a temple in the yogic teaching. The postures practiced by the body are known as Asana.
- Pranayama – Technique of controlled breathing to establish a soothing connection between body (breathing) and mind (emotions).
- Pratyahara – It is the fifth limb which means sensory transcendence. In this stage, one tends to draw attention from all outside stimuli and the external world.
- Dharana – After pratyahara, when the mind is free from all outside distractions, Dharana is all about concentrating on a single powerful object.
- Dhyana – After dhyana (concentration), this stage is all about meditation.
- Samadhi – This eighth limb is a state of ecstasy. At last, the meditator merges their point of focus and transcends the self altogether.
Even though this was mostly theory but being a beginner you must know what are the different stages of yoga and how each and every stage is important to grow as a yogi.
Remember, Yoga is 1% theory and 99% practice.
First Yoga Class? Prepare Yourself Before Hitting Mat
Educate yourself with these most helpful yoga tips.
1. Don’t Be Afraid To Be A Beginner
In your first yoga class, don’t compare yourself with others. Take your time to learn the postures. Practicing yoga with patience is a powerful tool to reach there.
Apart, try to be more present and relaxed to get there where an advance yogi is.
If you want to inspire your yoga journey, read these most helpful yoga books written by great Indian yogis that has changed many lives.
2. Inhale, Exhale!!
Breathing is the most important aspect of yoga. It connects your mind and body to the soul. So, whenever you feel stressed while practicing a pose, just take a deep breath and start fresh.
Don’t forget that everybody has their own reasons to join yoga. Don’t be in a hurry to complete the session as soon as possible. Its time to find your own path and experience.
Practice these breathing exercise before hitting your yoga mat for the first time.
3. Don’t Attempt Yoga on Full Stomach
It is imperative that your bowel is fueled enough but not full before you commence your yoga practice.
To have enough fuel for yoga doesn’t mean eating immediately before practicing. Keep a minimum gap of two hours between your meal and yoga.
Morning is the perfect time to start your yoga session.
4. Don’t Stretch For Perfect Posture
Contortion is not everything when it comes to yoga. It doesn’t matter how flexible you are. Your flexibility and ability to bend in postures don’t imply that you are an advanced yoga practitioner.
Just don’t forget that yoga is all about creating an integral union of mind and body that can happen at any posture.
Remember, the unbelievable things happen in yoga when you’re fully aware of what you doing.
5. Do A Little Warm-Up Before Yoga
When you are a newbie, it’s advisable to do a warm-up your body to prevent any injuries. A simple stretch and warm-up exercise can prepare your muscles for yoga sessions.
6. Practice Yoga In A Peaceful Environment
You can practice yoga wherever you want but a quiet and peaceful environment adds more power to your session.
You can prefer the early morning as the best option. If you’re a member of any yoga club, then also try to be part of it for morning sessions.
7. Don’t Forget Your Savasana
Savasana is the last and crucial step for all yoga practices. Don’t ever leave your yoga class without practicing this calm-down pose.
All yoga poses up-regulates your body, stimulate, and even provide healthy stress. Savasana is a down-regulator.
In this asana, you experience a calm and sweet release. You can also practice a child pose for relaxation.
Remember, yoga is a practice – practice of breathing deep, letting go and feeling good about yourself.
Other Helpful Tips To Prepare For First Yoga Class
- Invite some friends along
- Join yoga group and listen to their inspiring stories
- Listen to yogis about what yoga deliver
- Choose very comfortable yoga pants
- Always start with friendly posture
- Trust your teacher
There is no better way to learn yoga without doing these tips. These are the few amazing things you should always keep in mind before starting your first yoga class. spend some time in yoga, for sure you’ll feel more ease and comfortable.
What’s your favorite task to do before starting your first yoga class? Or being a yoga beginner, what’s your biggest concern?
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