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10 Powerful Yoga Poses To Reduce Belly Fat Fast

Struggling to reduce belly fat? Many studies claim that yoga acts as the best fat-burning tool for our system.

How to get rid of belly fat fast? The most common problem of today’s women.

We spent hours on internet to find the easy, safe, and effective method that can help us to get rid of our belly fat fast.

Many exercises help reduce belly fat but still yoga poses are popular to burn belly fat.

The popularity of yoga for a flat tummy is because of its holistic approach. It helps on multiple levels from fat reduction to increasing metabolism. It also helps in improving the hormonal balance and reducing stress which helps a lot in weight and belly fat reduction.

There are many ways one can get the above benefits through the practice of yoga. All you have to do is practice these poses as your morning yoga workout or evening stressed-out session.

Here are the list of most fat-burning yoga poses that will help you to get your dram belly fast.

Which Yoga Poses Can Help To Reduce Belly Fat?

Despite of most exercise and workouts regime, losing weight by yoga is one of the most trusted and effective method to reduce belly fat.

Numerous mental and physical benefits of yoga motivate us to practice it daily. It promote our stomach well-being by removing several stomach-related issues, like gastric, indigestion, bloating, constipation and so many.

Trying some of these best fat-burning yoga poses can help you to get into your favorite dress fast.

1. Cobra Pose:15-20 Breaths

Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Lie down on your belly.
  • Place your palm beside the chest. Make sure your elbow is closer to the body. Place your feet together making a tail of the cobra.
  • While inhaling raise your head, chest, and abdomen off the mat.
  • Take your chin up as much as possible and gaze to the ceiling.
  • Stay here for a few deep breaths and exhale while coming to the starting position.


  • Stretches abdominal muscles
  • Burns unwanted belly fats.
  • Tones your body.
  • Increases spinal flexibility.
  • Improves digestive power.
  • Reduces stress and alleviates mood.


  • The feet should be kept apart if any back issues.
  • Do only as much as possible to start with.
  • Do not strain your neck a lot if you have spondylosis (you may look in the front instead of looking up).
  • Pregnant women and anyone with recent surgeries much avoid Bhujanasana.
  • Frozen shoulder can be a limitation to this asana.

2. Sun Salutations:

Many studies claim that you can lose weight fast by Surya Namaskar. Learn the step-by-step guide to improve your fat burning rate and how it helps to get a flat belly.

How to do:

  • Stand in pranam asana.
  • Inhaling arms up, bend back hastauttanasana.
  • Exhaling hastapadasna– touch your toes.
  • Inhaling take your left leg behind being in a low lunge.
  • Exhale downward facing dog.
  • Suspend your breath and go to Ashtanganamaskar.
  • Inhale Bhujangasana.
  • Exhale downward facing dog.
  • Inhale left leg ahead low lunge.
  • Exhale hasta padaasana.
  • Inhale hasta uttanasana.
  • Release pranam asana.


  • Overall body stretch
  • A good form of cardio
  • Reduce belly fat fast
  • Tone your body
  • Increases energy
  • Improves metabolism


  • Should avoid if you have high B.P.
  • Must go slow if low B.P.

3. Standing Forward Bend: 10-15 Breaths

Improve your fat-burning rate with these powerful weight loss yoga poses that will help you on multiple levels from fat reduction to increasing metabolism.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Stand while keeping your feet together. Arms by your side of the hip. Spine straight with the abdomen in normal contour.
  • Taking in a deep inhalation take both your arms up near the ears.
  • While exhaling bend forward and touch your toes with your hands.
  • Stay there for a few deep breaths.
  • Inhaling come up and exhaling gets back to the starting position.


  • Improves the digestive system
  • Reduces stress
  • Gives a flat stomach by reducing belly fat
  • Balance your hormones
  • Increases the blood flow to the brain.


  • High blood pressure and heart ailment patients must avoid.
  • Pregnant women must do it under the guidance of a yoga professional.
  • If you have vertigo see that you do not hold the posture for a longer time, also keep distance in your feet instead of keeping them together.

4. Bow Pose: 8-10 Breaths

Ever tried these powerful yoga poses to reduce belly fat fast? It's time to unlock the power of hot yoga that can help you gain your desired body.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Lie down on your belly.
  • Place your palm beside the hip, facing downwards.
  • Place your feet together making a tail of the cobra and chin on the mat.
  • Bend your legs and hold your ankles with your respective hands.
  • Inhaling raise your head, chest, and knees off the mat.
  • Look up at a point and breath with a calm mind.
  • Stay there for a few deep breaths and then breathing out, come back to the starting position.


  • Reduces the flatulence
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves constipation
  • Increases the flexibility of back and arms
  • Flat stomach


  • Pregnant women should completely avoid it.
  • Do not do bow pose if you have stomach ulcers, hernia, recent surgeries.
  • Do not push yourself if you have arthritis or frozen shoulders.

Trying hard to get rid of your belly fat is not only dependent on how you move your body in yoga studio, but also what you eat and drink in your kitchen. These superb fat-burning tea is a great initiatives for your dream belly.

5. Seated Forward Bend: 5-10 Breathes

Ever tried this seated forward bend pose for a flat belly? The benefits of this asana are numerous but burning the stomach fat is one of the best things this asana commits.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Sit on your mat with legs extended. Keep your feet together and toes pointing upwards. Place your palm beside the thigh and spine straight.
  • Inhaling take both your arms up and exhaling touch your toes.
  • Take a few deep breaths while increasing the stretch.
  • Inhaling come up again and exhaling relax, go to the starting position again.


  • Hathayoga Pradipika a text of yoga says that it improves the digestive power
  • Increases back flexibility
  • Stretches the hamstrings and spine
  • Relieves stress and induces calmness


  • Do with knees slightly bent if there is any back issue.
  • Pregnant women must do it under the guidance of a yoga professional.
  • High B.P. patients shall avoid.

6. Plank Pose: 30-45 Seconds

To reduce belly fat, we must try some fat-burning yoga pose that can boost the metabolism and improve the fat burning rate every time we practice them.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Start with being in Marjariasana or a tabletop position.
  • See that your wrist is below the shoulders.
  • Stretch your legs behind such that the body is making a plank. The heels are in line with the shoulders.
  • Hold your core and stay there for a few deep breaths.


  • Tone your belly fat.
  • Strengthens the core muscles, arms, shoulders, and thighs.
  • Increases concentration.


  • Frozen shoulder patients can do it with modifications.
  • If you have any spinal injuries then do it with much care.
  • Wrist injuries can avoid till healed.

7. Camel Pose: 5-10 Breaths

10 simple yoga asana to reduce belly fat fast that will work great on your abdominal muscles and help you to gain your dream belly fast.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Sit in vajrasana. Lift your hip off the heels and stand on your knees.
  • See that your knees are in line with the shoulders. Tuck your toes inwards.
  • Inhaling take your arms behind and hold your right hand to the right heel and left palm to the left.
  • Arch your back while pushing the hip in line with the knees.
  • Drop your head behind and stay there with a few deep breaths.
  • Exhaling release the posture.


  • Increases back flexibility
  • Improves digestion
  • Stretches and massage your abdominal muscles
  • Reduce belly fat
  • Increases blood circulation to the brain
  • Improves hormonal balance


  • Vertigo patients can avoid doing this asana.
  • Do child’s pose after performing camel pose

8. Downward Facing Dog: 25-30 Breaths

Yoga can do wonders when it's about losing weight and gaining strength. Learn to move your body so it can help you to burn your belly fat fast with these easy yoga poses.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Start with being in Marjariasana or a tabletop position. See that your wrist is below the shoulders.
  • Inhaling tuck your toes inwards.
  • Exhaling gets the knees off the mat and makes a mountain of the body.
  • See that your neck is in line with the arms, your chest is out towards the thighs.
  • push your hip upwards and thighs behind.
  • If possible place the heels on the mat.
  • Stay here for a few deep breaths and then inhaling release the posture.


  • Aligns the spine.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Increases the strength in arms and shoulders.
  • Relieves stress and reduces depression.
  • Burn belly fat.


  • Avoid if you have High blood pressure.
  • People with wrist and shoulder injuries can avoid doing this asana.

To transform our body into a fast fat burning machine, we must aware of our food choices. These smart food choices, like, nutritional values, fat content and calories content help us to become aware of what we should eat and not for a  healthy weight loss.

Take a note on these science based nutrition tips.

9. Spinal Twist Pose: 5-8 Breaths

Losing weight by yoga is one of the most promising old terms that motivate us to practice yoga every day. Try some of the best fat-burning yoga poses to reduce your belly fat fast.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Sit on your mat with legs extended. Keep your feet together and toes pointing upwards. Place your palm beside the thigh and spine straight.
  • Cross over your right leg on your left side. Bend your left leg such that the left heel falls near the right hip.
  • Place your right palm behind the right buttock.
  • Twist on the right side and hold the right ankle with your left palm.
  • Look back over your right shoulder and stay there for a few deep breaths.
  • Release and do the same on the other side.


  • Reduces belly fat
  • Improves digestive system
  • Increases spinal flexibility
  • Helps to manage diabetes
  • Massages the abdominal organs by activating them.


  • Do not twist a lot if you have a slip disc history.
  • You can choose to modify as per your needs if you have arthritis.

10. Wheel Pose: 5-8 Breaths

Move your body with these best fat-burning morning yoga to get a flat belly. These super energized yoga poses will help you to burn your belly fat easily. Try now.
Credit: Freepik

How to do:

  • Lie down on your back and bend your knees such that your feet are in line with your shoulders.
  • Place your palm beside your ears.
  • Inhaling raise your hips and your back off the mat.
  • Make a wheel of your body keeping weight only on your palm and feet.
  • Drop your head and get your weight towards your palm.
  • Stay there as long as you are comfortable.
  • Exhaling release the posture and rest in savasana.


  • Increases flexibility of the spine.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Increases flexibility of shoulders and strengthens it.
  • Best yoga poses to reduce belly fat.


  • Avoid if you have vertigo or high blood pressure.


Yoga is all about experiencing the flow. If you can practice these yoga poses daily, flat tummy is not a big deal for you.

Which yoga inspire you a lot and you wanna give it a try to reduce belly fat?

Share your views on this…and inspire others with your moves.

Featured Image: Freepik

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