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17 Holistic Self-Care Tips for the Millennial Women 

 “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey

The very idea of self-care has been very skin-deep for women. And I don’t say this because the most searched keyword by women when it comes to self-care tips happens to be skincare tips.

Jokes apart, the very concept of self-care and self-love is such a remotely alien concept for most of the women.

The first time I realized it was when I read a book called, ‘Women The Weight Loss Tamasha’ penned by celebrity nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar.

The book elaborates on how even the food we eat needs to be validated and approved by the people around us.

We want to look ‘Fair & Lovely’, we want to be ‘size zero’ – not for ourselves, but others.

Woman, You Have Been Conned

Women – the most spontaneous nurturer and caregiver to everyone and everything around her.

Her home is an extension of herself and even her office is not bereft of her compassion no matter how fierce the fight for the target might be.

Women – The all-rounder with an immense ability to multitask.

Their biggest strength – Their incredible endurance and innate sense of discipline to sustain even in the direst of the situation, balanced with the right amount of tenderness and sensitivity helps them to play multiple roles with equal aplomb.

Their biggest weakness – Their incurable tendency to seek validation and approval from other people and their compulsive habit of living for others. And this is exactly where the world has taken them for a long ride.

It has indeed taken a long time to understand that women have been conned to become the supreme multi-tasking service providers who earn the meal and cooks it too.

And since, the better halves have not been upgraded with adequate household skills, the burden on women has only gone up, turning the entire concept of independence, self-respect, and dignity to be a farce.

Now Wake Up and Put on Your Oxygen Mask First

Today, as we talk about self-care tips for women, let’s delve deep into the matter and look for how our bodies, minds, and souls seek to be happy.

And before we start, just remember the safety reminder that the flight assistant repeats every time before the flight takes off – “At the time when oxygen supply in the airplane goes down, remember to put on the oxygen mask yourself, before helping others.”

So with that being the sole mantra, let’s start our journey of self-love.

You Are Beautiful!

This reminds me of Simi Garewal’s interview of Rajmata Gayatri Devi.

Simi Garewal asks, “You have been on the list of world’s most beautiful women for decades. You have been admired by men and idolized by women. Did you have any idea of the kind of impact you had on so many people?”

And guess what comes out as a reply from one of the emblems of elegance and grace that our generation has known.

A shy smile lurks at the corner of Gayatri Devi’s lips as she replies in her habitual nonchalance, “No, not at all. I was completely unconscious of anything like that. Perhaps because I was brought up with a lot of brothers and grew up getting bullied by them all the time. But perhaps that was the most natural way of being brought up.” 

Now while that is unquestionably the most modest and aristocratic way of responding to a compliment and it is indisputably the most effective way to teach someone to stay away from vanity, yet at the same time, it also drives down to the point that it is ‘natural’ for women to rely on validation from others to even tell them that they are beautiful.

So let breaking this stereotype be our first self-care tip for women. Say – ‘I am beautiful.’

Just look into the mirror and say it aloud with all your heart – ‘I am beautiful.’

Say it again and again till you start believing in it. And then, just watch your face glow with a wide smile.

Did you just notice a miracle happen?

This is the most incredible moment of love that you can ever experience in your lifetime. Bask in this moment of self-acceptance.

Do you know what happens when you learn to accept yourself?

You learn to accept and love everything and everyone around you despite their so-called ‘imperfections.’

You suddenly lose the compulsive need to put everything in order, wipe this countertop, set that photo frame right, insist on your kid to carry themselves in a certain way and so on. You learn to let go. And that is such a big relief!

Explore 17 Shades of Self-love

Find 17 best self care tips for woman to bring out best in you.
Credit: Freepik

Today, let’s find out how to take the self-love forward in every aspect of your life.

1. Take It Easy

We, women are always in a rush to be everything for everyone. Relax! No matter how much you do for others, there will still be some gap somewhere.

So just stop doing that. Take a deep breath and let go. It’s okay to miss approvals and validations at times.

2. Set “Me-Time”

One of the best and most effective ways to take care of yourself is to set a “me-time”.

This could be at any time of the day. Just give this time of the day, every day; to indulge in something that takes you away from your mundane life.

Remember, the emphasis here is on ‘every day.’ The habit of self-care is a gradual and continual process.

3. Take A Break From Your To-Do List

Break your routine and explore these best self care tips to bring out best within you.
Credit: Freepik

Yes, we are all very sincere and dedicated to the goals we have committed to.

But it’s okay to just step out of that war footing and catch some breath. Some people even call is scheduled procrastination. And it is said to improve your productivity.

4. Pampering Begins At Home

For the longest period of time the only go-to for a woman’s self-care routine has been confined to her beauty care regime.

Now, it is time to take the self-care routine of Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing to the next level.

Stop rushing through the shower. Have a relaxed and mindful bath. Having a proper bathing ritual has a very significant role in our overall well being.

Apart from cleaning and hydrating our skin, it is also very tranquilizing for your nerves. Try these healthy ways to detox your body through bath, drinks, food, and other rituals.

5. Have A Peaceful Meal Time

Just like the shower time, mealtime is also very important. Please understand and value what your food does for your body.

So just stop the grab-and-go habit just because you are running late for the meeting in your office.

Stop waiting for the time when everyone in the house finishes their meal. Make time. Plan your day so that you don’t have to compromise on your mealtime.

6. Set a Date For the Day Spa

Once in a while, it is important to have someone pamper you while you can just close your eyes, and relax.

Just plug out from your routine life for a day and park yourself at a Day Spa.

7. Travel Alone

Explore new place and spend some time with yourself. Find 17 best self care tips for woman.
Credit: Freepik

On a weekend, once in a while go out on a solitary trek. Join an all-girls traveling group or go just by yourself. Explore a new place and spend some time with yourself.

8. Set Time for Exercise

Apart from stressing and tiring yourself in running after the size zero goals, exercise actually has a deeper and more profound impact on your mind and body.

Everyone who has done it swears by it. And it is true as they say – exercising every day can turn your life around. Believe it for once and give it a genuine try.

9. Mindful Meditation and Deep Breathing

What exercise does to your body? You know it very well!

Similarly, meditation and deep breathing do to your mind and soul. This is by far the most trusted self-care tip for mental health.

Only if you experience it once, will know how much soothing and replenishing these practices can be on your overall physiology.

Anywhere between 10 – 15 minutes for each practice and you are good to deal with any and every situation that is thrown at you. Give it a try.

10. Enhance Your Skills

Keep learning new things. Explore these 17 best self care tips for woman.
Credit: Freepik

Invest in yourself. Join a hobby class and unleash your hidden potential. It will improve your self-worth and enhance your self-confidence.

That can be learning new yoga sequence, new language, dance, singing, cooking, cleaning, reading, painting, styling, fashion, photography, or anything that you love to learn.

11. De-Clutter

When you love someone, you want to surround them with everything that gives them positive vibes. You want them to have the best. Hence, do the same for yourself.

Discard anything that can’t be repaired or recycled. Clutter, crushed and broken items brings a lot of negativity.

Having a de-cluttered and well-organized home and office gives you clarity of vision and thought, which eventually help to spike your productivity.

12. Distance Yourself From Toxic People

Just as you de-clutter your house and office of useless things, distance yourself from people who give a negative vibe.

Yes, it is good to be cordial and nice to everyone. But it is more important to trust your intuition when it comes to judging people.

Explore these fantastic ways to de-clutter from toxic people and cope with emotional stress.

13. Challenge Yourself With Something New

Push your limits and challenge yourself both physically and mentally. Get out of your comfort zone.

Try taking your hobby to the next level when you have overcome the initial inhibition.

Go for an art or photography exhibition, arrange a therapeutic dance session or just post a musical rendition with your classmates on social media.

In another instance, if you have found the pearl of peace in your mediation practice, consider heading for a vinyasa mediation camp.

Do it at your own pace, but keep transgressing your limit slowly and gradually.

14. Spend Time With Friends

Explore your life with self love. find 17 best self care tips for woman.
Credit: Freepik

Friends indeed are the biggest asset we can ever have.

Just like you plan play dates for your child, plan a date for yourself with your besties. Meet up with them often and pour your heart out, share a laugh and detoxify your mind.

15. Talk To Yourself

Don’t worry if people call you crazy. The only person who is there for you 24/7 is you, yourself.

And come to think of it, in your own self, you have so many expert advisors. You have an excellent manager, a team leader, a house owner, a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter and much more.

So don’t hesitate to think aloud and discuss it with yourself.

16. Lend an Ear to Someone Who is in Distress

Look around and empathize with the emotional turmoil that everyone is going through.

Be a patient listener and help someone to empty their heart. If someone remembers you at the time of distress it is the biggest validation of you being a gem of a person.

17. Lend a Hand to Someone in Need

The natural tendency of human psychology is to nurture. Hence, one thing that makes your heart smile is when you can make a difference in someone’s life and make them smile.

Look around yourself and try to help someone in need. The kind of humility and peace it will bring to your life is incredible.

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