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12 All-The-Time Best Books For Personality Development

Putting your head in searching best books for personality development? Give yourself amazing reads to these great self-help books.

We know it can be a baffling process, but do not worry because all you have to do is have a deep conversation with your aspirations and go ahead to book that clicks you the most.

Some Best-Selling Books For Personality Development

Sometime we all are lost in the sheaths of struggles and pain, but actually that is the time we need to redesign our life with some new personality traits.

Make this time to crush most of your personal-development goals with these best self-help books on personality development. As these valuable experiences from best coaches and authors can be a great guidance for you.

Here is the great collection of bestselling self-improvement books that has changed my life completely with a warm sense of direction and guidance.

1. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

When we talk about books for personal growth, it will be surreal if we do not talk about The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

It’s all about how one can change their entire life just by taming the infamous subconscious mind. Everyone hears countless voices in their head which keeps poking them all the time. This book teaches simple and easy-to-follow techniques that could help you channel those voices to a powerful path.

There is nothing you cannot achieve if you master these techniques.

Therefore if you have any goal, may it be professionally or mentally or concerns personality development, Joseph is the guy for you.

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2. How To Win Friends And Influence People By Dale Carnegie

Here is one of the life-changing books which have helped countless introverts to push their boundaries and become socially comfortable.

This book will help you in getting things done. Getting socially active is a way to put your plans into action. For instance, if you have a project to be done, and you don’t have a direction as to how to accomplish it, you could always ask assistance from the friend you made just by winning them.

The 5th richest man in the world, Warren Buffet proudly displays his diploma of Dale Carnegie’s training in his office. Carnegie has continued to guide people with his unique antics and has helped several businessmen yield their path towards success.

In short, this book can turn out to be life-changing if one follows it religiously.

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3. How To Talk To Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: The Secret Of Good Communication By Larry King

Sometimes I used to wonder that how can we teach someone how to have a conversation?

It is something one has to figure out on their own through their personal experiences. But Larry King, America’s conversation specialist has some answers to put us out of misery.

This book reeks of personal growth as it unravels the secret to a perfect conversation. One might think, why do we need this book? We not only should read it, but we also need it.

Communication is one of the most important things for survival. May it is in businesses to negotiate a deal or in relationships to create a bond, in every aspect of life, Communication is the key.

Therefore King has shared some life-changing tricks that will help us broaden our social circle and talk to anyone at any time just by using the right match of words.

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4. Getting Things Done By David Allen

This book is an elixir in disguise. This self-improvement book addresses the most prominent issue in today’s world i.e procrastination and struggles in achieving goals.

If you are having trouble materializing your goals, this book is a must-read.

Living in current reality includes multi-tasking. It has become a crucial personality trait that one needs to master. Along with multitasking, it takes a lot of things to actualize your dreams.

One should have the will and ardent desire to fight procrastination. These tasks which sometimes feel impossible, even after those exhausting ‘books for self-growth’ reading sessions have been made simple.

Allen has squeezed out his 30-year experience as a management consultant and executive coach into this book which beats all the self-help books out there!

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5. The Success Principle By Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is designated with many talents including motivational speaker, corporate trainer, author as well as and entrepreneur. He has led out topics like Success basics, Victory Thoughts, and Attitudes, Building strong Relationships, Monetary accomplishments for the young entrepreneurs. His resourceful principles can become a nudge towards your success. Just try to stick around and learn. This book of self-growth is a must-read for a mature mindset needed to succeed.

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6. Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People By Steven Covey

We have always been taught that habits shape our future. But many of us always fail to decipher what are the best habits to raise a bright future.

Covey has resolved our confusion and has narrowed down 7 habits that successful and effective people follow. Though not present with us, Covey has left us a rich legacy to rely on and has given us one of the best books for self-growth.

This book has become an asset to countless businessmen men and carved their way to success. Covey has explained the following 7 habits which will help you through your lowest times:

1) Be proactive 2) Begin with the end in mind 3) Put first things first 4) Think win/win 5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood 6) Synergize 7) Sharpen the saw -Principles of balanced self-renewal.

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7. The Power Of Positive Thinking By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Reading books for personality development digs your way out of those blue times which may have lead to failure. The first step to take is to have an affirmative approach towards everything in life. A positive mindset is like that high dose of caffeine that takes you through the entire day. Positivity is usually overlooked and underestimated by many of us which is why Dr. Peale has expanded on its power.

It not only helps you succeed in life but also makes your life happy and peaceful. Since your thoughts can channelize how your life can be. It is really important to read this life-changing book.

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8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki

Books for personal development should also include financial freedom which is very much taught in this book.

This book is about Kiyosaki’s experience growing up with two dads. The first Dad was his biological parent and the other one was his best friend’s dad, the rich one.

He shares how the different thoughts of both dads helped him mold his mind about money and finances. It explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.

This book not only entails unveils Robert’s experiences but also expands on some parenting techniques and how parents should teach their kids about money and finances for the future. He also explains that one doesn’t need big bucks to be rich.

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9. The Magic Of Thinking Big By David J. Schwartz

Most of the books for self-growth tell us how to achieve our goals. But this unique book explores the idea to dream big and set your goals.

One can only achieve goals when one has one. The majority of the masses fear dreaming big. They have a fear of exceeding their goals according to standards.

But David here will walk you out of your fears and will show you the beauty and power of thinking big. He will be helping you in personality development and self-confidence boosting which many people lack.

He says that if one believes in themselves, they can climb the highest mountains and swim the deepest oceans. Therefore this a must-read book for self-improvement.

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10. Thinking Fast and Slow By Daniel Kahneman

One of the most essential life skills that every person must have in them is Decision Making. Design making is one such skill that we encounter at every step of our life. Therefore the Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman has laid out some techniques for us to master this precious skill which can do wonders in our lives. He elaborates how our thinking process has two phases: Fast and other is Slow.

These two processes command our daily mundane actions as well as the most important decisions of our lives. He has explained these with astounding experiment results, which will help us make the right choices in our lives.

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11. Think like a Monk By Jay Shetty

When we talk about personal development or books on self-growth, it is incomplete without the mention of Jay Shetty.

He is an author, a monk, and a motivational speaker who gave up every luxury of his life, just to become a monk at a very young age. In this exceptional book, Jay throws light on how one can control their emotions just by mastering the art of breathing.

He quotes,”Our breath is the only constant in our entire existence”. Therefore if we make meditation our daily habit, then life will become a lot easier.

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12. 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People do differently by Marc and Angel Chernoff

This book includes a whole package of books for personal development. Marc and Angel are New York best selling authors of getting back to Happy.

In his book, they have summarized habits and activities to get out of any situation in your life. This book will help you in times when you are finding that one ray of hope or while cracking a mind-boggling mystery or while making the biggest decisions of life.

Marc and Angel have offered guidance, support, insight, and hope through this book. It contains 10-20 points about every situation of life that one or the other person stumbles upon.

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Few Tips On How To Read More

I had read 50 books in 6 months. Yes! It might be overachieving for some but for others, the situation can be different. Not saying you need to do the same. Just follow some tricks to read more that I too followed:

  1. Read books that you enjoy
  2. Don’t heighten your reading goals just for the sake
  3. Replace wasting time with reading time
  4. Keep a book with you always
  5. Take part in reading challenges
  6. Read a variety of books
  7. Immerse yourself in the reading world

“It is always said to strive to be of value” With these self-help books all you will gain is a numerous amount of value and richness in you! It will be like glitter on top.

More Interesting Reads For You

Now when we have looked into these great books for personality development which is one thing to read these books but the another thing is to create enthusiasm for them.

Meanwhile, you can also have a look on this another list of books for personality development that will help you to grow more stronger mentally.

Which book inspire you the most for personal growth?

Pick it up and start reading. For sure you will find something amazing that you need to work on most. OR you can also engage yourself into a simple exercise regime.

Make target to complete 2 books in 3-4 months and see the result sooner.

Good luck!!

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