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20 Must-Read Motivational Books for Woman

“She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and alive.” – Annie Dillard

We are the millennial women – the go-getters, the Super Moms, the CEOs, the culinary maestros, and home managers – that are running the world.

Yes! Yes! We are always on our toes trying to be everything to everyone.

And in all this running around trying to deliver perfection in everything we do, one thing that can ever make us stop for a while, reflect, ponder, rejuvenate and energize us to take yet another unbeatable challenge (not the Facebook ones!) at work or parenting is a book.

At least, it holds true for me!

If I was given a choice between binge-watching or reading a book, I would surely go for the latter.

So for women who are yet to discover a friend in a book, here is a bucket list of 20 motivational books that every woman must read.

A List of Motivational Books for Women

20 inspirational books for women to read for a successful career, business, and life. Motivate your soul every morning with these powerful quotes to reach your goals.
Credit: Freepik

1. Secrets of Six-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny

A must-read book for women struggling from the financial crisis and other blocks. Read more 20 motivational books for women.

‘Secrets of Six-Figure Women’ is much more than any self-help book. It addresses the very pressing problem of being underpaid.

What is it that pulls us back from being successful?

It helps to deal with self-doubt, internal fears, and many other success blocks by talking about the ultimate game-changing tactics to become successful.


2. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

20 best motivational books for women to read for a successful life. Best self-help books for women to unblock the potential.

The book is a story of turning around a woman that has inspired one and all including Oprah Winfrey and Julia Roberts who even acted in the book’s movie adaptation.

Sold over 10 million copies, the book encapsulates the author’s survival through a bad marriage and depression.

Her travelogues through places like India, Italy, and Indonesia to find the true essence of contentment and liberation, her entire transformation from despair to life established Gilbert as the renowned author.


3. The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates

Top 20 inspirational books that every woman must read to grow in life. Find the best self-help books for women empowerment.

What exactly is woman empowerment?

Why at all do we need it? What good will it do to society?

Melinda Gates addresses a few pertinent concerns of the society and our mindset at large that does not allow the complete and optimum manifestation of the much-aspired woman empowerment.


4. Becoming by Michelle Obama

Best self-help book for women trying to influence society and creating a benchmark in the business. Find 20 more motivational books to read for women entrepreneurs.

A personal memoir of the USA’s erstwhile first lady, Becoming is divided into three segments.

The first segment Becoming Me encapsulates her journey right through her growing years, leading to Becoming Us which takes the readers from her first meeting with Barack Obama through their growing together.

Becoming Us ends with the chapter on the historic 2008 election of the USA.

Subsequently, Becoming More is all about Barack Obama’s Presidential journey, Michelle’s role in Let’s Move campaign, her emergence as a social figure while balancing her duties as a mother of two daughters.


5. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

Best self-help books for women trying to be perfect all the time. These 20 inspirational books will help you to fill your void and embarrassment of not being perfect.

Women are way too concerned about being validated for everything they do.

But to accomplish something great, one needs to let go of the tryst to be perfect all the time.

We are complete and competent even with all our imperfections.

The Gift of Imperfection is a sincere attempt to define the true essence of wholehearted living.

One of the inspirational books that women should read to let go of shame and embarrassment of not being able to be perfect at everything.


6. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

20 best inspirational books that everyone must read in their lifetime for personal, professional, and spiritual awakening. Best self-help books to lead a successful life.

The only truth is the present moment – not a minute before, not a minute later.

The time we spend delving into our past or worrying about our future ruins that present moment that is so much full of opportunity and promises.

It is a must-read for everyone who wants to discover the true essence of peace.

Must Read: A Buddha story to teach you why “live in the moment” is so important to explore the joy.


7. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Best self-help book for women to rise above petty issues and create some milestones in life. Find 20 motivational books that every woman must-read.

Each one of us has untapped potential. It takes a little bit of self-love to find out that winning steak within us.

Whether we are happy with our lives or not, completely depends on us.

There are things we can change and also things that we need to settle with.

This self-help book is all about accepting the reality and rise above the petty issues that bog us down at times.

Complete with 27 crisp and witty chapters of inspirational tales from everyday life, this motivational book is a must-read for every woman.

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8. Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling

20 best motivational books that every woman must read to live a successful life.

Who does not know J.K Rowling? But who would have ever known her if she had succumbed to her miseries and depression?

We have read the saga of fantasy penned by her. ‘Very Good Lives’ tell us how she swam against the tide to emerge as a winner.

A truly inspirational book that takes readers through the author’s post-graduate years.

Especially for the dedicated readers of her ‘Potter’ series, this book holds a lot of pearls of wisdom.


9. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

Find 20 most inspirational books to read for every woman for strength, courage and empowerment.

The story of Malala had taken the world by storm for the fierce courage of a fourteen-year-old who fought for women’s right to education.

The highly motivational book provides glimpses of the savageness that thrives in some parts of the world.

And also, how hope thrives in the tryst of a teenage girl to achieve the impossible in that kind of space!

After reading this you will have no choice than to believe that impossible is nothing!


10. Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich by Lois P Frankel

For people struggling to establish business and getting rich, this self-help book will guide you through this journey. Best books to read for independent women.

The name of the book is interesting and looks like it addresses the eternal feud between being nice and getting rich.

However, as you start reading, you find the money matters talked about are quite basic yet important.

Frankel weaves her book with some very obvious money wisdom that women lack particularly the ones who have led a protective life with men taking all-important money decisions.

This book is good for young girls who have just stepped out of their houses and are living on their own.

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Motivational quotes for women to reach their life goals. Inspire yourself with these 20 highly motivational books and find what they have to offer you.

11. The Woman Code by Sophia A Nelson

Best motivational self-help books that every woman must read to get through life challenges and unlock greatness.

Nelson says, women live by a code that dictates the entire course of her life.

And the one understanding that code, the author wants them to wake up to whether this code is helping them to realize their truest potentials or not?

Another great inspirational book for women that harps on seeing their own good, balance between values and aspirations, having a practical approach in dealing with relationships (personal as well as professional), and about rising above bitter experiences.


12. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

If you are searching for happiness, find some awesome ways and tricks to be happier all the time. Best self-help book to live a happy, and successful life.

This is an interesting and inspirational book that takes us through the author’s chronicle of her yearlong adventures where she puts to test some of the traditional and cultural beliefs, as well as scientific claims on the various ways to be happier.

In her book, Rubin busts popular myths like ‘money can’t buy happiness’ among many others.

While reading the book, we may relate to some of her experiences or otherwise.

However, after reading the book, one thing is guaranteed – you are likely to pursue your quest for being happier in your own way.

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13. Shark Tales by Barbara Corcoran

20 best motivational books for women entrepreneur. Some best business journeys can help you establish a billion-dollar business. Read how?

Yeah! So now it’s time to talk business. And nobody does it better than Barbara Corcoran.

Yet again, a chronicle of a personal journey of taking a borrowed $1000 to a billion-dollar business, without having any knowledge or experience about it, the book is truly inspirational.

Much like her practical business advice even her childhood, especially, her mother garners a lot of mind space of the readers.

This is a book that alters something inside you and it’s for good.


14. The Beggar Maid by Alice Munro

The Beggar Maid by Alice Munro. Find 20 most Inspirational books to read for every woman.

The Beggar Maid is penned by Alice Munro, the one with the Midas touch when it comes to writing short stories.

The Beggar Maid tells the story of Rose, a girl who, despite her impoverished childhood, her love-hate relationship with her step-mother manages to get hitched with the rich and affluent Patrick.

The book beautifully brings out the complexities of human relationships and questions some of society’s pertinent ways to keep a woman’s aspiration in check.


15. More Than Enough by Elaine Welteroth

Enjoying reading 20 most-inspirational books for women trying to break the glass ceiling.

This one is a hard-hitting memoir of the author who comes from an interracial background.

Everybody has the right to claim their own space under the sun irrespective of their age, race, and gender.

It is a real-life story of a fiercely independent journalist who shatters the glass ceiling and jeopardizes the conventional corporate protocol time and again.


16. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

20 Inspirational books for women trying to comes out from the basic need of love, care and respect.

The books narrate a heart-wrenching story about a Black girl’s desire to have blue eyes so that she get the acceptance and love that seems to be the privilege of the girls who are born with blond hair and blue eyes.

What does it take to get the respect and recognition that a woman deserves? Morrison raises this question through ‘The Bluest Eye.’


17. Grit by Angela Duckworth

Best self-help books for the average peoples trying to establish milestones in their life, career, and business. Best books for women entrepreneurs.

The smart and talented needn’t always be more accomplished in life.

Remember the race between the hare and a tortoise?

Duckworth’s book reinforces the age-old verdict – ‘slow and steady wins the race.’

Yes, perseverance is all it takes to thrive and achieve anything you want in life.

Read this book to instill some strong and unwavering grit to achieve whatever you want in life.


18. Money: A Love Story by Kate Northrup

If you are trying to get some financial freedom in life? This motivational book will help you to get some money habits.

We always have a love-hate relationship with money.

It is something that we want to be in harmony with yet at times achieving that harmony becomes a far cry.

Northrup elaborates on some money habits that might change our equation with money for good.

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19. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

20 best motivational books for women to lead a successful life.

Yet another literary masterpiece coming from the author of Pride and Prejudice, the beautifully woven story at the backdrop of 19th century England brings out social hierarchies and the complexities of the characters is a way that only Austen can do it.

It is not a typical love story in the lines of Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibilities; it is a motivational book for women who can completely relate to several moments in the story.

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20. The Big Life by Ann Shoket

20 best Inspirational books for people who dream big. Read this book to break the shackles that come in the way of your happiness and success.

An inspirational book for women,The Big Life teaches us to be unapologetic for dreaming big.

Yes, women can have the best of both worlds and Shoket tells you how.

Read this book to break the shackles that come in the way of your happiness and success.

I am sure many of you have read quite a few of these above books. But still, i am curious to know which motivational books you love reading right now.

Which books has inspired you to gain your strength and that rocking attitude in life?

Drop us comments!

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